Friday 8 May 2015

Choosing The Right Cloud Computing Providers

Cloud computing providers are one of the fastest growing market segments in technology today. They are service providers that offer cloud computing services of various types. Small and medium businesses are benefit a lot from these services, if they know what and how to pick the right solution.

These services are categorised into three types: software as a service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Among these the SaaS and IaaS are the older and more popular versions. PaaS is technically superior solution, if one knows how to exploit it.

The SaaS kind of services are mainly software solutions that are stored, executed and operated in these networks. Thus, the employees just need a way to access software online; they do not need that software installed on their computers. These services are great if the software itself serves your business goals aptly.

The IaaS is just infrastructure like a specific model of server, or network or storage system which is leased in the cloud. If your company wants to maintain loads of data or wants to build a custom designed solution that serves a specific purpose,

Infrastructure as a Service is a great option. Rather than investing in huge infrastructure, leasing it is more economical.

The PaaS concept is slightly complex as it works at the platform level. With Infrastructure as a Service, you need to take care of upgrades, and other such issues. So every time the system is updated, you may need to tweak the solution. With PaaS, the system upgrades are made transparent to the customer.

In conclusion, to get the most of the cloud computing service, the business must know its requirements well. If one is looking for a readymade solution, SaaS is a great alternative. If one needs to build the solution from ground up; IaaS is preferable. However, given a choice, business can opt for PaaS solutions over IaaS ones for lower ownership and hurdles in solution deployment and maintenance.

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