Friday 8 May 2015

Different Kinds of Cloud Computing

There are some things in this world that are very hard to understand. Cloud computing is among those many things in the world that are hard to understand. This kind of computing is starting to become very popular nowadays with technology increasing. Cloud computing allows you to increase capabilities and capacity within a business without having to invest money in things such as software or infrastructure. It can be a really cheap way to help your company become more effective. There are many different kinds of cloud computing, and this article will discuss three different kinds of computing available.

The first kind of cloud computing that will be discussed is Platform as a service. This kind of computing is very close to SaaS, a different kind of computing. Platform as a service gives you development environments as a kind of service. You will build the applications yourself. These applications will then be run on the infrastructure of the providing company. Then the application will be delivered to your users through the Internet. This does not mean that you get to do whatever you want. Each provider has their own capabilities, and you will have to work around what your provider can and cannot do.

The second kind of cloud computing is MSP. MSP stands for managed service providers. MSP is very old when compared to the newer kinds of computing. An application will not be exposed to end-users, but it will instead be exposed to IT. This kind of computing involves things such as virus scanning services that can be used for your e-mail. Scanning e-mail messages is something that has been done for quite some time, and that is why this kind of computing has been around for awhile. This service also includes things such as anti-spam services as well.

The third, and final, kind of cloud computing that will be discussed is Service commerce platforms. This kind of computing combines qualities from SaaS and MSP. This kind of service gives people a place where users can go to interact. The most common use for this kind of computing is through trading environments. One example that I can offer to help you better understand is something that allows people to order travel services. Pricing can be done by the user of this kind of computing. Just another kind of the many different types of cloud computing technologies out there in the world today.

Seeking for cloud computing Singapore, contact Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030

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