Friday 8 May 2015

The Benefits of Cloud Software

Cloud software takes a business or organizations applications and data from being stored on a dedicated on-site infrastructure, to shared infrastructure, or 'cloud', which is essentially leased from the cloud provider. This style of computing has a number of benefits, including, but not limited to:

1. Improved Security

Cloud software providers often use security measures that would have too large up-front costs for most businesses to afford. Due to this, with constantly improving security tools and frameworks, your data can end up being safer in the hands of the cloud.

2. Mobility

With the software and service being managed by the cloud provider, users can access the information from any location - they do not need to be in the office. With an internet connection, cloud applications are accessible worldwide, with never a need to download and install anything on your computer.

3. Cost Effective

Because nearly everything is handled by the cloud service provider, cloud software is very cost-effective. There is no need to purchase any hardware or software, no on-site maintenance, no system administration costs and no need to purchase version upgrades. As a user or business, you pay over time - as you use it, when you use it.

4. It Scales With Your Business

Cloud software has great scalability with your business size. They are usually subscription based and therefore allow a business to pay for the features they require, which will increase as the size of the business increases. There is no need to buy all the hardware and software licenses from the start, that the business will require at a later date, which would end up incurring a large up-front cost.

5. Automatic updating

Using cloud software helps to ensure that your business always has access to the most up-to-date technology. This provides many additional benefits: firstly is cost, as you don't need to pay to improve your on-site infrastructure when an update is available, this is all handled by the cloud service provider; secondly is security, as the most recent updates ensure that your security measures are as strong as possible. All of this without your IT department needing to do any work!

6. Secure and Reliable Back-Ups

Cloud services use enterprise-level backup which is far more reliable than what you could achieve with self-hosting. Cloud computing which is based on virtualization gives an entire server, from its operating system to its application, all wrapped up in one software bundle or virtual server. The virtual server can be easily backed up to a different data centre, meaning you are safe in the knowledge that your data is being well looked after.

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