Friday 8 May 2015

Benefits of Cloud Computing - More to Web For Less!

Wonder why venture capitalists plunge money into software outsourcing these days? The answer is Cloud Computing. In a simple sense Cloud Computing is similar to the concept of buying a land, building infrastructure and then renting the flats. While the investor bags in big returns, customers access the utility in small payouts. In cloud computing, provider hosts the software on internet which is then accessed by customers who consume resources as a service, paying only for what they use. Google and Yahoo are the examples of cloud computing service providers.

When we look at the benefits of the cloud computing it is a win-win situation for both provider and customers:

A low cost option to access technology:

With cloud computing coming into play, technology admission is no more a capital expenditure. It more like how you consume traditional utilities such as electricity; pay for what you use and pay till you use it. This in turn permits companies to concentrate their money on key business activities. Furthermore it gives small and medium businesses an opportunity to access technology as a resource.

Optimum utilization and dispersion of cost:

While incorporating infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) cloud computing brings economies of costs and resources. Pooling of resources additionally leads to better performance, load balancing (as the load capacity is centrally managed) and fuller use of server capacity. Thus cloud computing results in enhanced resource consumption, which is excellent from sustainability point of view.

Greater independence and remote access:

In cloud computing the infrastructure is maintained by a third party provider and accessed by customers via internet using web browser. Thus users can access the utility independent of place and infrastructure from a PC, laptop or a handheld device. This has also popularized the idea of offshore software development through the places offering comparatively low cost IT outsourcing.

Enhanced monitoring and simplified usage:

On one hand where the model increases security and monitoring through a centralized data access, it simplifies usability by providing self service system interfaces on the other. The user need not be concerned about backend engineering and parameters. In addition to this, user does not need to install the application on his system, saving him from the hassle of software maintenance, ongoing operation, and support.

The idea is flourishing day by day and there is more to it in the future to come. With Offshore outsourcing becoming popular more and more entrepreneurs are investing in the countries with low infrastructure and development cost and then dispatching their cloud computing utility models worldwide. India is one such destination offering low cost software development options. So think about is, who knows it might be your next big venture.

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