Friday 8 May 2015

The Three Pillars of the Cloud

Of all the disruptive technologies that are reshaping the global technology landscape, none is more important or visible than the Cloud, the revolutionary delivery platform that is being adopted by both individuals and enterprises.

Clearly, the Cloud is everywhere and all pervasive. The world has entered the era of cloud computing, which has been aptly defined by international research and analysis firm Forrester as "a standardised IT capability such as software application, platform or infrastructure, delivered via Internet technologies in a pay-per-use and self-service way".

Cloud computing services are gradually becoming the new way to go for both large and small companies, that are leveraging their flexibility, scalability and cost effectiveness.

Convenience and ease-of-access and use is what characterises cloud computing services, which can be delivered as either applications, platforms or infrastructure. Essentially, these represent the three pillars of cloud computing services: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

Take SaaS for instance, the most popular among cloud computing services. In the case of SaaS, users can run applications off the Cloud, paying on the basis of their actual usage. Therefore whether it is simple, every-day office productivity applications, or the more esoteric and complex Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software-companies can access these inexpensively, on a 'need-to' basis and without incurring the heavy expenditure required to host them in-house. A host of vendors are offering cloud-enabled versions of their successful applications and users, including individuals, Small and Medium sized Businesses (SMBs) as well as larger enterprises, are now flocking to access these services on an anytime-anywhere basis.

In the case of Platform-as-a-Service, customers can use the platform offered by the service provider, to build their own applications. Using PaaS, users can develop web and other applications without installing tools on their own computers and deploy them easily. Using PaaS services helps companies to save significantly on implementation costs, and in the absence of skilled resources still quickly roll out the applications.

Finally, cloud computing services encompass IaaS, where users can avail of hardware, networking, storage and connectivity without making capital investments, or even upgrading their existing IT systems. Companies that encounter peeks and troughs in their computing requirements, are best suited for IaaS. Therefore an organisation such as the Central Board of Secondary Education in India (CBSE), which goes through its annual examination and results phase, and where it needs to scale its computing resource rapidly, probably only once a year, is a perfect candidate for IaaS.

Most service providers, including large IT companies have put in place infrastructure-including massive servers, cutting-edge technologies such as virtualisation (to divide up physical resources into virtual resources) and huge amounts of storage-to offer these to multiple customers, simultaneously. IaaS is particularly useful for smaller organisations that do not have the resources to invest in technology or lack the manpower to handle in-house IT infrastructure. Using this cloud computing services, companies can develop their own applications, but by using the infrastructure offered by the service provider.

Today, most leading IT service providers, including NIIT Tech are offering all three cloud computing services. Their aim is to help customers get started on projects quickly and scale their resources rapidly, based on increasing transactions and requirements. Clearly, cloud computing services are transforming the way organisations use computing resources, helping them cut costs and become more competitive at a time when these benefits are key priorities.

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